MBH QnA Corner
Your Questions - August, 2024

Why do we need Religion?

Answered by: Shaykh Zafar ul Hasan

The religion of Allah is easy and complete. Every nation since the prophet Adam to the prophet Muhammad  (ﷺ) needed religion. Religion means the submission to the commandments and Shariah of Allah. Allah considers Islam as his only religion and law. 

Many people take religion as a burden and feel like a bird in a cage and for such people, the liberals are their saviours who will set them free from the cages of rules and regulations

In reality, religion is essential for living a life peacefully and sorting out any problems that arise or when faced with any crisis that causes a hurdle in the life of an individual family or society. Allah has said that those who do not hold the religion firmly and don't find the need for Shariah but go to some other path are like animals rather more degraded than animals 

That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. (Surah Muhammed:3)

Religion seeks Obedience: The obedience of Allah and His Messenger is the obedience of Religion. And today obedience of everyone is seeking to please people except the creator. Although, No other religion is meant by religion but Islam. 

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religions. And sufficient is Allāh as Witness. [48:28]

Allah who is the bestower and sole creator, who gives provisions, health, children and whatnot. Then why is there difficulty in following his law and Shariah?

And who is better in religion than one who submits his face to Allah and he is the doer of the good which Allaah legislated and he follows the religious way of Ibraaheem, upright and upon his way, turning away from shirk Surah (Nisaa:125)

His Grateful eyes become wet while counting the blessings of Allah: 

A man fell sick and was admitted to a hospital where doctors declared that he needed heart surgery costing 8 lac rupees. After the surgery, he was given the advisory of a diet plan.  This poor man started crying profusely. 

 He said, “Allah bestowed and granted me for seventy years without asking any returns of all blessings and today despite paying of hefty amount for surgery, the entire restrictions are put on food and it made me recall the bounties of Allah for which didn't pay a single penny.”

He recalled seventy years of using the ears, eyes, heart, hands, and feet but Allah never asked for any bill for it. Allah provides everything but never asks for anything in return from us made him ashamed before Allah. 

Submit to Religion and not to the world:

A believer's heart is not attached to this world but to what takes him to the success of the hereafter. Whose heart is attached to this world makes him far from the religion. The religion and Shariah of Allah is something that identifies and separates us from other creation and makes us visible and known by following it 

If we take a small example, a person is working in a company and is paid with salary for the services provided to it, he makes full efforts and works with dedication because he is paid for it. He obliges all the rules and policies of the company and acts upon its resolution

But what kind of a person is he if he doesn't feel the need for a Religion? Allah provides him with everything but he find's compulsory to follow the rules of the company but doesn't find any need towards the law of Allah 

When a person understands his lord, it's easy for him to follow his religion and fulfil his duties

Allah chooses Islam as our religion: 

What makes the difference between humans and non-humans is the religion of Islam. Hence to remain within the boundaries of humanity, religion is needed so that we are prominent from non-humans and that religion is only Islam. 

Allah made us prominent, known and unique from other humans and from non-humans with the blessings of this religion and by following it. Those who hold the religion firmly then all their internal and external deeds become upright.

Those who make themselves steadfast in this religion become the most beloved of Allah. It is the religion of Islam that bestows peace and mentions the rights of everyone and everything.

Allah said: “This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islâm as your religion.” (Al-Mā’idah: 3)

Faith and deeds together- 

Belief means the connection of heart and mind with Islam and deeds means external and visible deeds and affairs. When affairs are sound becomes the reason for firmness on the right path and to live a pleasant life. There remain no difficulties and sadness and depression like diseases who is the followers of Shariah.

When a person believes and does righteous deeds, Allah covers his misdeeds and sins. Allah rectifies and corrects all the affairs and circumstances due to it.

All the senses of a person whether it be ears, eyes, mind, or heart are rectified by following the law of Allah. 

Turning  away from Religion- The reasons for breaking of ties and corruption in the lands: 

People who left the religion and switched to evil ways caused corruption and riots in society. The invention of new man-made religions, atheism and extreme liberalism are some of the outcomes of the absence of religion and the implementation of religion.

So would you perhaps, if you turned away, cause corruption on earth and sever your [ties of] relationship? [47:22]

Islam is not a difficult religion-

Allah has declared- “Allah intends easiness for you, He does not want to put you into difficulties.” (Surah alBaqarah-187)

Therefore submitting your desires and will to the command of Allah is called Islam and one who does it is called a  Muslim