"and We have
created you in pairs"


26+ Never
New Muslims Profiles
19 Years :: New Muslims :: India
I was born in a cult which may have nothing to do with Islam. I try my best to follow the right .I...
30 Years :: New Muslims :: Tanzania, United Republic of
I'm a practising muslim woman eho strives to do better every single day snd in my expectations...
25 Years :: New Muslims :: India
Assalamualaikum I'm Kashish and I come from India. For the past 6 years, I've been...
26 Years :: New Muslims :: United Kingdom
Salam I'm on the lookout for a partner who shares my faith and values. I'm a practicing...
35 Years :: New Muslims :: India
Alhamdulillah i am a new revert, having accepted Islam in March,2019.I am a practicing Muslim and...
28 Years :: New Muslims :: India
As Salam alaikum m a REVERT Muslimah I want to give my best for my akirah Deen and duniya Die as...
41 Years :: New Muslims :: United Arab Emirates
I am practicingMuslim with a desire to help people,,i enjoy to saw them happy,,i believe that the...
43 Years :: New Muslims :: United States of America
I am a new revert. I was a conservative Pentecostal Christian most all my life. I had two marriages...
31 Years :: New Muslims :: United Arab Emirates
I am practicing new Muslim. I really like to look after myself, face, body.. I love sport and...
Polygyny Profiles
40 Years :: Polygyny :: Saudi Arabia
Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, I was born and raised in Hyderabad, my mother...
45 Years :: Polygyny :: India
I m salafi muslims married no children my wife is ok with my second marriage be my second wife in...
32 Years :: Polygyny :: United Arab Emirates
I am a Muslim hopefully I am near to the Manhaj of the Salaf ( Allah knows best) ,I am married . I...
39 Years :: Polygyny :: Oman
I am practicing Muslim. I offer 5 times a day and fast on Monday and Thursday occasionally. Due to...
62 Years :: Polygyny :: United Arab Emirates
I am for a second wife and at the outset I must say that a second wife is not a second class wife,...
26 Years :: Polygyny :: Germany
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh My Name is...
47 Years :: Polygyny :: Canada
I am a practicing Muslim who is looking for a second wife. I am Islamically educated and consider...
30 Years :: Polygyny :: India
I am a practicing Islam and enjoying to take a ride with my family at wekeends. I am a person who...
32 Years :: Polygyny :: Bangladesh
I prefer the life style of our Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam) and the Sahaba (Radiallahu...


26+ Never
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Saying 'I love you,' when you first get married is easy. The honeymoon is beautiful, the restaurant and...
by Deema
by MBHEditorial
by MBHEditorial
Noble titles generates more honour and love between the spouses. Most of the common title I have come across, shared between spouses are ‘Honey’,...
by kamran
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QnA Corner
Q: Does the tasting of food break the fast of a woman or a cook?
Q: A patient of Asthma can have an asthmatic attack anytime. If while fasting, he gets an asthmatic attack, can he use his inhaler?
Q: I received a proposal through a relative and we were allowed to know each other. After knowing, I approved of this guy to get married...
Q: Is regular recitation of the Qur'an a form of Dhikr of Allah? What are its rewards?
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Social Blogs
An ongoing debate on marriage outputs had interesting sarcastic arguments. The daughter of Eve said, “Adam was alone in Jannah and Allah gave him a wife instead of friends, socializing activities or entertaining gadgets, which makes a wife the most essential person in a man’s life” A quick reply landed from the son of Adam,...
Many Muslim men pass over the profiles of revert Muslimah and ignore them for marriage when they search for a spouse in a Muslim marriage website. They prefer a girl with an Islamic background or Muslim parents, but Reverts deserve more than sympathy She rejected her belief She would not worship her Gods any more She walked out of...
A couple in my friend circle always fought, but both claimed that they love each other a lot. Therefore, in spite of fights none of the two ever thought of parting ways. One of the main allegations of the husband was, "She always objects when I serve my mother or when my mother suggests her...