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In this crowded market of Muslim matrimony websites, there is an ignored category of Muslim Divorcees, Widows, Single Parents, Unmarried Ageing Singles and New Muslims.
There is no exclusive platform for these selected individuals which helps them express their voice and promote their profiles.
mybetterhalf.com is glad to be a part of a Muslim Remarriage matrimonial service for the community.
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Nikah a marriage
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"I like the fact that this site caters to the social cause of getting people married who are looking to get settled for the second or the third time."
"Life is uncertain, and marriages can also break. This site has useful content about marriage and family life which is the absolute need of the hour."
"I am glad we can ask about some major issues on this website. They either answer through videos on youtubechannel or on the QnA post section"
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Asalamualakom I’m feeling some type of weirdness in my body and lately I’ve been getting headaches when Quran is recitated or I get a type of...
by Nyamhanga
Twenty five I was, when the first girl's proposal came across,Pretty beautiful she was, Working professional being the cherry on the top, of a...
by BilalAbdulMajeed
The sad part is , some people will laugh at you for being serious about practicing Islam.The good part is , you live for #ALLAH , not them...
by BinteAbdulRasheed
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Q: Why do we need Religion?
Q: I received a proposal through a relative and we were allowed to know each other. After knowing, I approved of this guy to get married...
Q: My family celebrates 15th night of Sha'baan as Eid for the Deceased. They decorate, cook food, light up the house and place lamps on graves...
Q: What are some of the blessings of Allah that we should treasure?
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