Is fasting obligatory for all Muslims?
Fasting; Obligatory for Whom?
Fasting is obligatory for the following:
- Muslim
- Sane
- Adult
- Sahih (Healthy)
- Muqeem (Resident)
- Tahir (Pure/ clean)
If anyone of the above mentioned six people does not fast, it would be a grave sin.
Prophet of Allahﷺ said:
There are three kinds of people from whom Allah Has lifted His Pen (i.e, their deeds are not recorded). Whatever they do, they wouldn't be held answerable; a person who is sleeping, an insane person, a child.
Abu Dawud:4398
Prophet of Allah ﷺ said:
On the night of Miraj, I was shown some men and women being tortured heavily. Upon asking, I was informed that those were Muslims who fasted but broke their fast before time.
Sunan Nisai al Kubra:3273
Please Remember!
If you are not fasting without any Sharai excuse, you would be punished heavily on the Day of Judgement.