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Signs of a Good Muslim Husband - Five Habits That Muslim Wives Like in Their Husbands

by: mybetterhalf

In Islam, the family unit plays a pivotal role, it serves as the bedrock of society. A happy wife leads to a happy life. Regarding marriage, the Holy Qur’an underscores affection, love, togetherness, and mercy as its fundamental pillars. 

Rather than fixating on shortcomings, both spouses are encouraged to appreciate positive qualities in life partners. However, shortcomings in grooming, especially in boys during their mid-teen years, disrupt marital happiness and give rise to intimate disputes. 

Parents who raise their boys with the qualities of husband materials will be gifting a well-trained boy, stuffed with good habits to their daughter. 

Here is a list of the five characteristics of a good husband that boys should develop to make themselves a good husband in the future. You may develop them even now.

Those who are patient, sincere, obedient, and charitable, and who pray for forgiveness before dawn. 

Surah Aal-e-Imran - 17


Patience helps a person increase in tolerance and overlook many shortcomings and increases his honour in the sight of a wife. The Prophet ﷺ had 11 wives and he was a man of patience. Sabr helps a person to be grateful for the blessings of Allah. 

The Bani Israel said, 

“O Musa we are not able to do sabr upon one food. (Manno Salva).” 

Surah Al Baqarah - 61

The community that observed sabr upon the atrocities of Firawn could not digest the blessings of Allah. 


The truthful ones - Many husbands hide things from their wives and even speak lies to keep it. Honesty and courage includes truthfulness. Wives love truthful husbands. The Prophet ﷺ assured:

Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person.

Al Bukhari - 6094


The devout worshippers - Worshiping Allah should not be on the surface of hearts or unwillingly but it should be focused and wholeheartedly. Many wives complain of negligence towards prayers on the part of their husbands. Prayers give coolness to eyes, says the Prophet and also good spouses and children as per Surah Furqan. 

They pray, "Lord, let our spouses and children be the delight of our eyes and ourselves examples for the pious ones." 

Surah Al-Furqan - 74


Spending generously on the needy-  Charitable men are always dutiful and helpful. The Prophet ﷺ himself was the most charitable and his generosity included sending gifts to the friends of his deceased wife Khadijah (Allah be pleased with her). He was generous to Haleema who breastfed him during infancy. 

Generous men are the ones who give financial support to the needy and at times it also includes their in-laws and near relatives. It also develops such habits in wives and children too. A charitable family will be protected from many calamities.  

Mustaghfireen bil As’har

Seeking Forgiveness during Tahajjud. Doing astaghfar makes a person soft-hearted and conscious of committing sins. When wives see their husbands crying while repenting it brings out a realisation about their husband’s humbleness. Aisha (Allah be pleased with her)  and other sahabiyat used to fondly recall their husband’s habits of doing astaghfar during tahajjud. 

Allah has appreciated people with such characteristics and assured them an abundance of reward with generous forgiveness says the same Surah Those who pray, 

Our Lord! We have believed, so forgive our sins and protect us from the torment of the Fire. 

Surah Ala-e-Imrah - 16