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Important Clauses in a Muslim Marriage Contract

by: mybetterhalf

Marriage is a bounty from the bounties of Allah and a blessing in a person's life. Its contract completes half of the religion and the life after the contract completes the other half.

O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation 

Surah Al-Ahzab 33-50

Compatibility in Marriage includes Its Conditions

Beautiful marriage compatibility is when both spouses don't violate the Shariah or remain within the limitations of religion. Still, most Muslim marriage partners must be aware of the Shariah and its clauses. There are two categories of contract clauses, one that is provided by Allah and the other is modern trendy clauses floated in the Liberal West.  The irony is that most families of Muslim couples dislike many clauses of Shariah but push for the liberal conditions that make a Muslim marriage difficult before the Nikah is performed.

The best marriage is the one which is simplest.

Abi Dawood - 2117

Here is a list of essential conditions set up by Allah, which must be considered before the marriage is finalized because Islamic nikah remains just a Muslim marriage without these.

Tawhid without any corrupt form and Salah at its prescribed times, makes Muslim wedding contracts Islamic. These two are the foundation of Islamic marriage.

Observing the hijab by the wife and the facilities provided to uphold the hijab by the husband makes a Muslim family safe from fitnah.

A controlled budget will prevent money from being blown away. Allah has stated very clearly that HE does not like waste of money, 

And do not be a spendthrift for spendthrifts are the brother of shaytan and shaytan is ungrateful to his Lord.

Surah Al-Isra - 27 

In our times when luxuries are treated as basic amenities, running a family becomes difficult for husbands.

No abortion of babies but welcoming children. Killing infants is among the big sins as described in the Quran:

 Do not kill your children out of the fear of poverty, it is We who provide for them and you.

Surah Al An'aam - 151

Helping each other in Birr and Taqwa

Surah al Maidah - 3

The Sahaba provided the best examples of ideal Muslim couples helping each other with good deeds. The Prophet Muhammad got one of his companions married to a lady on the condition that he would teach her the Quran.

Mahr should not be heavy or very light, but depends upon the person’s capacity to give. Many marriages get stuck up in the proposal route itself because of disputes about the amount of mahr. We see a huge amount spent on a Muslim wedding reception but a strange stinginess is displayed in giving mahr.