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29 Years Old
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In Concise
Full Name
Display Name (public name for your profile)
Spoken languages (multiple languages separated by comma)
Turkish, English
Muslim by Birth
Year of Birth
Marital Status
Interested In
Single Aged 26+,
Ethnic Origin
Country of Residence
What type of gatherings you prefer?
Choose your mood zone?
1:Lowest 10:Highest
1:Lowest 10:Highest
Your Father’s Profession
Retired teacher
Your Fathers Educational Qualifications
Bachelor Degree
How many Sisters do you have?
How many Brothers do you have?
No Brother
Do you live with your parents or other family member?
Both Parents
Your Highest Qualification
High School
Other Qualifications
Would you like to study more, If yes, then what would it be?
Yes, neuropsychology
Are you working?
How often do you pray Salah?
All Obligatory
Do you attend Islamic Courses or Lectures & have you attended Islamic courses in past? If yes, give details
I watch lessons on religion on YouTube, I went to an Islamic high school
Religiously – What can you offer your spouse?
My best. I always strive to be more and more religious. I can offer no compromising in religion in shaa Allah.
Religiously – What are you expecting from your spouse?
Uncompromising. He has to be very religious. He has to be upon the sunnah.
Who are your favorite contemporary Islamic personalities?
Mufti Ismael Menk, Dr. Muhammad Salah, Othman Al-Khamees, Sulayman Al-Ruhayli (it must be noted that I do not have deep knowledge on these people, I just watch them sometimes)
Your favourite Islamic books? Audio Cds etc
Nothing in particular
Do you listen to music?
No. I occasionally listen to nasheed without music.
Do you Fast?
I have memorized around Surahs
I recite Quran
I have read Quran with translation
I have read the Seerah of the Prophet
Write an introductory description about yourself exclusively for your future spouse?
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Please read everything carefully. // Before anything else, please note that I'm looking for people who are either from Turkey or people who have previously lived in Turkey. You must also know both Turkish and English on at least intermediate level. // My parents don't let me get married (no reason, they just think marriage is not good), that's why I'm 28 years old & single and that's why I'm here. I don't have any relatives who are willing to help out either. Expect to have difficulties on that part. // I'm a person who is constantly on the path to learn and do something. I get very upset when my ability to be useful/productive is hindered. I usually spend time learning about religion, language, tech, and science. I used to study psychology at uni, but a lot of things happened and I had to leave. I'm eager to continue my education to get undergraduate + post-graduate degrees, which would take at least a good few years, so be ready for that. I'm interested in going abroad to study and live. I don't like going outside however, I'm always at home. I'm only interested in places where I can find quality schools, not interested in going abroad for a vacation. // I'm not a social person at all. Don't expect me to attend large family gatherings, and by large I mean anything more than which that involves your parents and sisters. If you're big on meeting relatives then you will have to go without me. Yes, even on Eids. No, I can't do it for them. Being in noisy places makes me want to sit and cry. It's not something I can control. Family meetings are never quiet. I will call them on the phone instead to wish them Eid Mubarak. Also I wouldn't be in the same gathering as your brothers. They are your mahrams, not mine. // I can NEVER live with someone who gives up easily and/or has a pessimistic perspective. I absolutely hate these sorts of people and never want to be around them. I'm always determined to chase my dreams against all odds, because I believe Allah can make anything possible. I'm hardworking but I also like to have some good leisure time. I usually work hard for a few days and take a break for a few. I can work for 10 hours straight sometimes, but I can also get burnt-out easily. // I've got three cats, I wouldn't change them for the worlds (so, no, I'm not going to leave them behind because your mother doesn't want cat hair when she comes to visit us). They've got feline leukaemia and need to use medicine sometimes (if their condition gets worse), it can be expensive. They will also have other expenses as you can imagine, such as food, toys. I'm not rich but Allah sends their rizq/provision. Alhamdulillah. // I'm a strict person when the situation requires me to be strict, otherwise I'm quite the lax person. I like to make more logical decisions than emotional, but I'm still a human being who has feelings. I can't bear to be around highly emotional people who complain all the time. You might easily start crying, but as long as you don't treat everything as the end of the world, it's fine. Crying or being sensitive is normal. // I've got some illnesses (need-to-know), and might need long periods of treatment. Unfortunately I cannot get the necessary treatments now. This situation makes it difficult for me to study and work at the moment. For example, if I'm cleaning the house, instead of vacuuming the whole place in one day, I may choose to vacuum some parts of the house today and other parts tomorrow because it hurts my body. It can also be difficult to be outside for elongated periods of time, for example when I'm going to school. Expect these problems to occur and expect to be responsible with helping me solve them. You will have to take on extra responsibilities when we have babies. // I may sound serious, which I am, but it's because this is a formal place. I'm very witty and playful with people I'm close to. Expect me to run around the house playing chase with my cats (and urging you to join). It's usually short-lived though, because I can't run for too long due to my health condition. // I don't like reading books. Studying is different, if I'm interested in a subject then I can read up on it a lot, but I don't read books for the sake of reading. I prefer listening instead. For example, I haven't read any tafseer books but I have watched a lot of videos on it. // I'm not an extraordinarily good-looking person. I look pretty average. I don't do make-up, neither do I use beauty products. I still take care of my looks, but I don't waste much time, money, or energy on it. I find it boring to stay in front of the mirror and try out a million different hairstyles. As for my clothing, I like to wear baggy and comfy stuff at home. I don't like skirts. I like dark and neutral colours, usually black and gray. I wear proper hijab when going outside. I want to wear niqab but my parents won't let me. // I don't know too much about cooking or baking. I can make some good stuff, but I really only ever cooked for myself, and to be honest no one taught me anything more than the basics. Don't worry you will eat well in shaa Allah, but we might have to cycle through the same few recipes until I learn more. You're always welcomed to cook too. I like eating the exact same stuff for days. Maybe that's why I never bothered to learn more. // I cannot live without technology. I have to have an above-average PC and a good internet connection at all times. Everything I do is online, that's just how my life is. I also do digital art. I wanted to sell my art but I couldn't reach enough people because I don't like being on social media. I hate social media actually. My tech-love isn't only about PCs either, for example I don't use traditional pressure cookers, I use electric pressure cookers. Traditional ones are always too noisy, and dangerous too. // I would very much rather have our children educated at home. I would like to provide them with a strong foundation of Islamic studies early on, and a variety of other subjects such as art, science, maths, humanities, sports etc. to determine what sorts of skills our children might have so we can ensure a good Islamic personality for them and provide them with a better education later on. // I'm kind and patient in general. I might appear to be impatient when it comes to insignificant things, but it's mostly as a joke. I know to be serious when I need to be serious. I can nag you if I know you won't take it badly (and I expect you to not be too sensitive), but I wouldn't complain about an old person or a child, for example. // If you're not patient with me, I won't be patient with you. If you're not kind to me, I won't be kind to you. Yes there can be ups and downs sometimes, but if you are constantly acting nasty, don't expect me to tolerate that. I'm looking for a man to marry, not a baby boy to nanny. // All in all I'm a moderate sort of person. Obviously I've got many shortcomings, may Allah the Almighty forgive me, but I'm not someone who is usually on the extreme end of things. I like to find a middle way, but I don't compromise my principles. // This is all I can think of right now.
Describe your ideal spouse
Please read everything carefully. // It's important to note that I will not talk to him until the end - just before marriage, I will talk to a female on his side instead. // I'm looking for someone who is very religious. Listen, I didn't say extremist, I said very religious, within the limits that Allah has set. He must always be mindful of what Allah has commanded. He must also advise me as to it when he sees my shortcomings. // He needs to be moderate in his ways in general. Being strict when necessary, lax when necessary. Being strict doesn't mean being rude, neither does being lax mean being disrespectful. // He must enable me and not hinder me - help me achieve my goals, for example. It goes both ways, I help him, he helps me. We help our children, they help us when the time comes. // I expect him to understand that I am a separate human being, and not his property. I have rights as much as he has. Same with our children. We can't treat them like our property or our slaves. // I expect him to give me freedom in which Allah has permitted. For example, if I want to wear niqab, I'm not going to ask him for permission. I don't care if he doesn't like it or whatever. It is my right to wear it. However, if he sees me take off my hijab for example (may Allah the Almighty protect me), then he must kindly but strictly make me keep my hijab. Think of the Day of Judgement. He has to make sure that his wife and children are on the correct religion. He also shouldn't put me in the trouble of trying to correct him all the time. I expect him to be highly responsible. // He must be quiet in general. Watching a video? Put on your headphones. Reading the Qur'an? Whisper, not mumble. Singing a nasheed out loud, even with a low voice? Don't. Also absolutely no TVs in my household. Never. So much filth and noise in those things. The internet is enough and easier to moderate in terms of which content you and your family are consuming. // He has to understand both Turkish and English. He has to know at least one of them on a native level, and the other on at least intermediate level. I also know basic Arabic and Japanese, maybe we could study together to advance in them. // He must be willing to locate to another country (in Asia, I'm not interested in anywhere else, sorry). // I expect him to have similar interests as I do. There can be differences, but if we are mostly different, then I don't see how that will work. If he likes to go outside all the time, doesn't like cats, doesn't want to listen to me when I talk about coding, isn't willing to be hardworking and productive, isn't interested in a meme I show him, then it's a problem. // He shouldn't be much younger or older than I am. Maybe something like 2 years younger and 5 years older at most, but there is leeway. // I wish he is good at dealing with people, because I'm terrible at it and I do expect him to take the responsibility on that. For example dealing with landlords, neighbours, teachers of our children if they are going to school etc. // I do intend on becoming a researcher for some time in shaa Allah, but I'm not looking to work for a proper income. Therefore I expect him to be fully responsible with our finances. I wish I could have some income for myself and my cats though, I would like to help him out economically but I can't do much. // No one will ever be perfect, neither him nor myself, but we should make sure that we are suitable to each other in general. // That's all I can think of right now.
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