Living in
United Kingdom
34 Years Old
Bachelor Degree Psychology
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In Concise
Full Name
United Kingdom
Display Name (public name for your profile)
Spoken languages (multiple languages separated by comma)
My Bangla is not very strong unfortunately.
Muslim by Birth
Year of Birth
Marital Status
Interested In
Divorcee, Single Parent, Widow, New Muslim, Single Aged 26+,
Ethnic Origin
Country of Residence
United Kingdom
What type of gatherings you prefer?
Family & friends
Choose your mood zone?
1:Lowest 10:Highest
1:Lowest 10:Highest
Your Father’s Profession
Your Fathers Educational Qualifications
How many Sisters do you have?
How many Brothers do you have?
Do you live with your parents or other family member?
Your Highest Qualification
Bachelor Degree
Are you working?
Your Designation
School librarian
The industry you are working in
Experience in the field
6-10 years
Does your profession include a lot of traveling?
What are your professional goals in life? Long term & Short term
I love creative writing and my goal is to be published some day.
Your Passion in life?
Reading, creative writing
How often do you pray Salah?
Do you wear Hijaab?
Do you wear Nikaab?
Do you want your spouse to have a beard?
Do you attend Islamic Courses or Lectures & have you attended Islamic courses in past? If yes, give details
I have attended courses by AlKauthar in the past. I went to Ilmfest this year. This is an area I want to improve on though. I listen to talks by myself at home and I am following Quranic progression on the Prophetic Guidance app.
Religiously – What can you offer your spouse?
I can offer motivation to begin good habits of learning and reading together at home as well as attending courses.
Religiously – What are you expecting from your spouse?
I am expecting a spouse who cares about enjoining the good, forbidding the bad and staying away from the grey areas of what is permissible.
Who are your favorite contemporary Islamic personalities?
Mufti menk, Yasir Qadhi, Ahsan hanif, Omar Suleiman
Do you listen to music?
Rarely ever
Do you Fast?
All Obligatory
I have memorized around Surahs
I recite Quran
I have read Quran with translation
I have read the Seerah of the Prophet
Write an introductory description about yourself exclusively for your future spouse?
Assalaamu alaikum, please read with an open mind. They say good things come in small packages. Well, I am definitely a small package and I try to be the best person that I can be. I try my best to be patient, honest, kind and hard-working; always polite. The prophet pbuh said, The only reason I have been sent is to perfect good manners. (Bukhari, Ahmad). Good manners are what I highly value in others, and are what I strive to perfect in myself, amongst other qualities. My strengths are that I am an affectionate and genuine person who never has bad intentions. I have never been one to gossip, use foul language or lose my temper because I prioritise the important things in life. However, my weaknesses are that I can appear thoughtless due to my forgetfulness and absentmindedness. I’m not the most observant or vigilant person! I feel insecure about myself in many other ways, but I try never to let this overcome me or my communication/relationship with other people. Looking for a partner requires being upfront and straightforward upon the truth. A truth about me that many may not be able to look past is that I can't have children of my own. It has been difficult for me to come to terms with feeling that I lack, and feeling that I am less. I can only plead in my defence that, “To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills. Or he bestows both males and females, and he renders barren whom He wills. Verily, He is All-Knower and is Able to do all things,” (Surah Ash-Shura, 42:49-50). I can't be a Khadijah (RA) but I will take Aisha (RA) as a closer role model, who didn't have any offspring of her own. If you're willing to adopt, there is so much that I want to pass on to the next generation. In relation to family, I have an older year-old sister who I am very close to. She is married and she lives in Oldham. I also have an older brother. He is married and we live with my sister-in-law and mother. In terms of education, I graduated in Psychology from the University of Birmingham in 2013. Since then, I have acquired varied teaching assistant and I am currently working as a School Librarian Alhamdulilah. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, writing, watching Snooker and spending time with my family. I enjoy playing card games, board games and other games with them when they come to visit!
Describe your ideal spouse
Assalaamu alaikum, To accept someone small requires someone with a big heart; that’s what I’m looking for; someone with a big heart. Essentially, I need a spouse who is open to adoption. I need someone who seeks the reward of Allah and closeness to His messenger (pbuh), by being willing to adopt. The merit of adoption in Islam is well known. For example, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach puberty, he and I will become like this on the Day of Resurrection,” and he held his two fingers together (Muslim 2631). When I make du’a for a spouse, I pray for someone who will treat me kindly, with gentleness and mildness. The hadith that comes to mind is, “Shall I not inform you of one whom the fire is forbidden to touch, or from whom the fire is forbidden? It is forbidden upon every person is gentle, mild and of an easy disposition,” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2488). Another hadith that comes to mind is that reported by Aisha (RA). The prophet (pbuh) said, “Oh Aisha, Allah is gentle and He loves gentleness. He rewards for gentleness what is not granted for harshness and He does not reward anything like it,” (Sahih Muslim 2593) Finally, Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that a man said to the prophet (pbuh), “Advise me,” He said, “Do not become angry,” The man repeated his request several times and each time the prophet (pbuh) told him, “Do not become angry,” (Al-Bukhaari 10/456). I am looking for a person who is reasonable in their anger, not intimidating, willing to reach a compromise that gives and takes from both parties, leaving them both happy with the solution. I am also looking for someone who fears Allah and strives to obey Him; who ideally has a beard (or must be intending to grown one) and strives to prays salat on time. If a potential marriage partner has grown-up brothers living at home, I would ideally like to move out within the first few years of marriage. I am looking for someone who stays away from haraam such as smoking. Furthermore, I looking for a marriage partner who will join me in trying their best to stay away from the grey areas of what is allowed in Islam. Other virtues that I am looking for are honesty, patience and polite manners. I want someone who can make me smile and laugh much; and I fear being with someone who makes me cry. It is important to me to find someone who I enjoy spending time with, someone approachable who I feel I can talk to about anything, someone I can have a good joke with! I am looking for someone who can make me feel secure in their affection. I am hoping for a marriage partner who loves the thought of travel as much as I do. Only if Allah blesses us with the means, would I love to travel every year and create many memories. Lastly, when I make du'a for marriage, I pray for a marriage that pleases Allah and brings my marriage partner and I ever closer to jannat.
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